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TSRO - eContouring: Saturday, September 3rd, 2016Contour Homework:Contour proximal fiducial:Slices 82-84 on primary (Fiducial-primary on CT planning images)Slices 82-85 on 0% (Fiducial-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 85-87 on 50% (Fiducial-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour distal fiducial:Slices 68-69 on primary (Fiducial-primary on CT planning images)Slices 69-70 on 0% (Fiducial-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 71-73 on 50% (Fiducial-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour GTVSlices 77 and 79 on PET fusion (GT-PET on PET secondary images)Slices 75, 78, and 81 on 0% (GTV-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 77, 81, and 84 on 50% (GTV-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour celiac trunkSlices 43, 45, and 47 on primary (Celiac on CT planning images)Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:Ozofagus RS EsophDistal Vingette IES Turkey 2016.pdfEduCase User Guide
TSRO - eContouring: Saturday, September 3rd, 2016Contour Homework:* Slice 74: pj, pv (portal vein), aorta, liver* Slice 78: aorta, ca (celiac), pv (portal vein)* Slice 85: aorta, smaDisabled Contours: pj,pjexp, pv (portal vein), aorta, aortaexp, liver, sma, ca (celiac), expansion_2Enabled Contours for reference: All othersResource Files:Postop Pankreas KG RA Panc Vignette IES Turkey 2016.pdfEduCase User Guide
ASTRO – Turkey - eContouring: Saturday, March 12th, 2016Contour Homework:Contour proximal fiducial:Slices 82-84 on primary (Fiducial-primary on CT planning images)Slices 82-85 on 0% (Fiducial-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 85-87 on 50% (Fiducial-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour distal fiducial:Slices 68-69 on primary (Fiducial-primary on CT planning images)Slices 69-70 on 0% (Fiducial-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 71-73 on 50% (Fiducial-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour GTVSlices 77 and 79 on PET fusion (GT-PET on PET secondary images)Slices 75, 78, and 81 on 0% (GTV-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 77, 81, and 84 on 50% (GTV-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour celiac trunkSlices 43, 45, and 47 on primary (Celiac on CT planning images)Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:Ozofagus RS EsophDistal Vingette IES Turkey 2016.pdfEduCase User Guide
ASTRO – Turkey - eContouring: Saturday, March 12th, 2016Contour Homework:* Slice 74: pj, pv (portal vein), aorta, liver* Slice 78: aorta, ca (celiac), pv (portal vein)* Slice 85: aorta, smaDisabled Contours: pj,pjexp, pv (portal vein), aorta, aortaexp, liver, sma, ca (celiac), expansion_2Enabled Contours for reference: All othersResource Files:Postop Pankreas KG RA Panc Vignette IES Turkey 2016.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. GI (Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MD)Contour HomeworkSlice 100: Contour the GTV, liver, IVC, stomach, small bowel and bile duct Slice 95: Contour GTV, small bowel, stomach, liver, IVC, bile ductDisabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:KG_c1_HepatocellularCarcinoma_Vignettes_2015.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. GI (Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MD)Contour HomeworkSlice 55: Contour the GTV, liver, stomach, large bowel, esophagus, and chest wallSlice 67: Contour GTV, small bowel, stomach, liver, esophagus, and chest wallDisabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:KG_c2_LiverMetastasis_Vignettes_2015.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. GI (Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MD)Contour Homework:Slice 56: Contour the GTV and duodenumSlice 48: Contour GTV, duodenum, stomachDisabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:KG_Gastrointestinal_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Lymphoma (Stephanie Terezakis, MD, Joachim Yahalom, MD, and Jonathan Yang, MD)Contour Homework:Please contour all slices on the following contours: GTV, CTV, and ITVDisabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:ST_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
MONDAY, December 1st, 2014: 4:45-6:00 PM: BOOST: Gastrointestinal-Hands-on Contouring: Theodore S Hong MD, Mukesh G Harisinghani MD, and Beth Erickson, MD, FASTRO, FASTROContour Homework: Please contour the following:On slices 58, 63, 73 and 77:Contour the primary liver tumor (GTV) and portal vein thrombus (Thrombus)Enabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TH_Gastrointestinal_01_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
December 16, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and will be led by Theodore Hong, MD. Contour Homework: Please contour the following:On slices 58, 63, 73 and 77:Contour the primary liver tumor (GTV) and portal vein thrombus (Thrombus)Enabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TH_Gastrointestinal_01_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
MONDAY, December 1st, 2014: 4:45-6:00 PM: BOOST: Gastrointestinal-Hands-on Contouring: Theodore S Hong MD, Mukesh G Harisinghani MD, and Beth Erickson, MD, FASTRO, FASTROContour Homework: On slice 79, 83, and 85:Contour the GTV.Note the alignment problems with the MRI and difficulty visualizing on the helical CT and try to use anatomic landmarks to help guide location. Indicate if you add a CTV expansion, and if yes how much?Enabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TH_Gastrointestinal_02_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
December 16, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and will be led by Theodore Hong, MD. Contour Homework: On slice 79, 83, and 85:Contour the GTV.Note the alignment problems with the MRI and difficulty visualizing on the helical CT and try to use anatomic landmarks to help guide location. Indicate if you add a CTV expansion, and if yes how much?Enabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TH_Gastrointestinal_02_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
MONDAY, December 1st, 2014: 4:45-6:00 PM: BOOST: Gastrointestinal-Hands-on Contouring: Theodore S Hong MD, Mukesh G Harisinghani MD, and Beth Erickson, MD, FASTRO, FASTROContour Homework: Please contour the following:The lesion in the R upper lobe is the prior ablation site. Contour the GTV on slices 59, 67, 75, 80, and 82. Contour CTV on 84, if you would use one.Enabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TH_Gastrointestinal_03_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
December 16, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and will be led by Theodore Hong, MD. Contour Homework: Please contour the following:The lesion in the R upper lobe is the prior ablation site. Contour the GTV on slices 59, 67, 75, 80, and 82. Contour CTV on 84, if you would use one.Enabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TH_Gastrointestinal_03_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 13, 2014, 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., eContouring for GI Cancer, Ravi Shridhar, MD and Ken Meredith, MDContour Homework:Contour proximal fiducial:Slices 82-84 on primary (Fiducial-primary on CT planning images)Slices 82-85 on 0% (Fiducial-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 85-87 on 50% (Fiducial-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour distal fiducial:Slices 68-69 on primary (Fiducial-primary on CT planning images)Slices 69-70 on 0% (Fiducial-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 71-73 on 50% (Fiducial-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour GTVSlices 77 and 79 on PET fusion (GT-PET on PET secondary images)Slices 75, 78, and 81 on 0% (GTV-0 on CT 0% resp images)Slices 77, 81, and 84 on 50% (GTV-50 on CT 50% resp images)Contour celiac trunkSlices 43, 45, and 47 on primary (Celiac on CT planning images)Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:RS_EsophDistal_Vingette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 13, 2014, 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., eContouring for GI Cancer, Ravi Shridhar, MD and Ken Meredith, MDContour Homework:Countour GTV:Slices 64, 81, 85, 88 on PET-fusion.Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:RS_EsophMid_Vingette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 13, 2014, 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., eContouring for GI Cancer, Ravi Shridhar, MD and Ken Meredith, MDContour Homework: Contour GTV_primary:Slices 83-84 on primary (CT planning images)Contour GTV-PET:Slices 83-84 on PET fusion (PT secondary images)Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:RS_EsophGE_Vingette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 13, 2014, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., eContouring for GI Cancer (2), Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MDContour Homework:Slice 56: Contour the GTV and duodenumSlice 48: Contour GTV, duodenum, stomachDisabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:KG_Gastrointestinal_Vingette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 13, 2014, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., eContouring for GI Cancer (2), Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MDContour Homework:* Slice 95: GTV, Pancreas_1, SMA, Duodenum, Duodenum_2* Slice 85: Pancreas_1, Duodenum, SMA* Slice 75: Pancreas_1, Celiac, Portal Vein* (**Note: "Duodenum" = The Duodenum contour on right side of patient and "Duodenum_2" = The Duodenum contour on left side of patient.)Disabled Contours: GTV, Pancreas_1, Pancreas_2, Celiac, SMA, Portal_vein, Duodenum, Duodenum_2, StomachEnabled Contours for reference: All othersResource Files:KG_CW_4DPanc_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 13, 2014, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., eContouring for GI Cancer (2), Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MDContour Homework:* Slice 74: pj, pv (portal vein), aorta, liver* Slice 78: aorta, ca (celiac), pv (portal vein)* Slice 85: aorta, smaDisabled Contours: pj,pjexp, pv (portal vein), aorta, aortaexp, liver, sma, ca (celiac), expansion_2Enabled Contours for reference: All othersResource Files:KG_RA_Panc_Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Sunday, September 14, 2014, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., eContouring for Lymphoma, Stephanie Terezakis, MD and Joachim Yahalom, MDContour Homework:Please contour all slices on the following contours: GTV, CTV, and ITVDisabled Contours: AllEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:ST_Vingette.pdfEduCase User Guide
MSRO29 BOOST: Gastrointestinal-eContouring - Monday Nov 28 2016 4:45PM-6:00PM - Theodore S. Hong, MD and Mukesh Harisingghani, MD Contour Homework:Stent on slice 12 Celiac on slice 8 GTV_mass on slice 15 SMA_SMV on slice 15 Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:GI Vignette 2016EduCase User Guide
MSRO29 BOOST: Gastrointestinal-eContouring - Monday Nov 28 2016 4:45PM-6:00PM - Theodore S. Hong, MD and Mukesh Harisingghani, MD Contour Homework:Portal Vein on slice 13 GTV_mass on slice 17 SMA_SMV on slice 21Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:GI Vignette 2016EduCase User Guide
MSRO29 BOOST: Gastrointestinal-eContouring - Monday Nov 28 2016 4:45PM-6:00PM - Theodore S. Hong, MD and Mukesh Harisingghani, MD Contour Homework:Celiac on slice 14 pancreaticojejunostomy on slice 17 SMA_SMV on slice 23Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:GI Vignette 2016EduCase User Guide
MSRO29 BOOST: Gastrointestinal-eContouring - Monday Nov 28 2016 4:45PM-6:00PM - Theodore S. Hong, MD and Mukesh Harisingghani, MDContour Homework:GTV on slices 19, 25 SMA_SMV on slices 19, 25Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:GI Vignette 2016EduCase User Guide