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eContouring for Liver Cancer: Liver - Case 02 May, 2023

eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023

Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Liver on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Stomach on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Spleen on Slices 69
Aorta on Slices 69
GTVm1 on Slices 80, 94
GTVm2 on Slices 94, 102
Gallbladder on Slices 94
LargeBowel on Slices 102, 116
Duodenum on Slices 102, 116
CommonBileDuct on Slices 94, 102
SmallBowel on Slices 116

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Liver Case Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/17/23 09:10 ASTRO
Viewed: 6 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 194
Dose: No
Category: eContouring for Liver Cancer - May, 2023
Groups : eContouring for Liver Cancer - May, 2023
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
eContouring for Lung Cancer: Early Stage Lung c1 webinar May, 2023

eContouring for Lung Cancer – Megan Daly Wednesday April 26th, 2023

Megan E. Daly, M.D. at UC Davis Health

iGTV on Slices 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
- Contour the iGTV for the left lower lobe lung tumor on slices 68-88 (use the fused MIP, 0% and 50% CT with lung windowing to aid contouring)
GTV (max exp) on Slices 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78
- Contour the left lower lobe lung tumor GTV on the maximum expiratory phase of the 4DCT (50%) on slices 67-78.
GTV (max insp) on Slices 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
- Contour the left lower lobe lung tumor GTV on the maximum inspiratory phase of the 4DCT (0%) on slices 75-88.
Prox_Bronchial_Tree on Slices 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
- Contour the left proximal bronchial tree on slices 54-67

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Early Stage Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/17/23 08:32 ASTRO
Viewed: 8 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 142
Dose: No
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Early Stage Lung c1

eContouring for Lung Cancer – Megan Daly Wednesday April 26th, 2023

Megan E. Daly, M.D. at UC Davis Health

iGTV on Slices 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
- Contour the iGTV for the left lower lobe lung tumor on slices 68-88 (use the fused MIP, 0% and 50% CT with lung windowing to aid contouring)
GTV (max exp) on Slices 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78
- Contour the left lower lobe lung tumor GTV on the maximum expiratory phase of the 4DCT (50%) on slices 67-78.
GTV (max insp) on Slices 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
- Contour the left lower lobe lung tumor GTV on the maximum inspiratory phase of the 4DCT (0%) on slices 75-88.
Prox_Bronchial_Tree on Slices 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
- Contour the left proximal bronchial tree on slices 54-67

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Early Stage Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 04/04/23 04:58 ASTRO
Viewed: 238 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 142
Dose: No
Groups : 2023 04 eContouring for Lung Cancer
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Liver - Case 2

eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023

Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Liver on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Stomach on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Spleen on Slices 69
Aorta on Slices 69
GTVm1 on Slices 80, 94
GTVm2 on Slices 94, 102
Gallbladder on Slices 94
LargeBowel on Slices 102, 116
Duodenum on Slices 102, 116
CommonBileDuct on Slices 94, 102
SmallBowel on Slices 116

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Liver Case Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 03/30/23 13:06 ASTRO
Viewed: 72 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 194
Dose: No
Category: Annual Refresher Archive
Groups : 2023 04 eContouring for Liver Cancer
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Dr. Daniel Chang: eContouring for Gastrointestinal Cancer: EH Biliary Adjuvant: ASTRO 2021

Saturday, October 23 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. eContouring for Gastrointestinal Cancer

Dr. Daniel Chang
Dr. Jennifer Wo


GTV_Preop (in Author’s Structures)  is the preoperative GTV seen on the preoperative CT scan that is registered to the planning scan

Slice 101 – CTV_ENI, CTV_BOOST (positive margin), Small bowel
Slice 107 – CTV_ENI, CTV_BOOST (positive margin), Small bowel
Slice 118 – CTV_ENI, Small bowel

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Gastrointestinal DC JW Vignette pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 05/19/22 12:00 ASTRO
Viewed: 8 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 295
Dose: No
Category: VL_2022_Gastrointestinal
Groups : VL_2022_Gastrointestinal
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, Singapore

Contoured Structures: GTV Preop, CTV BOOST, PTV BOOST, CTV ENI, PTV ENI, SM BOWEL, SMA, SMA+1cm, CA, CA+1cm, PV, PV+1cm, Aorta, AortaExpansion, LG BOWEL, 2 more structures...
Dr. Daniel Chang: eContouring for Gastrointestinal Cancer: EH Biliary Adjuvant: ASTRO 2021

Saturday, October 23 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. eContouring for Gastrointestinal Cancer

Dr. Daniel Chang
Dr. Jennifer Wo


GTV_Preop (in Author’s Structures)  is the preoperative GTV seen on the preoperative CT scan that is registered to the planning scan

Slice 101 – CTV_ENI, CTV_BOOST (positive margin), Small bowel
Slice 107 – CTV_ENI, CTV_BOOST (positive margin), Small bowel
Slice 118 – CTV_ENI, Small bowel

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Gastrointestinal DC JW Vignette pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 09/03/21 11:14 ASTRO
Viewed: 100 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 295
Dose: No
Groups : VL_2022_Gastrointestinal
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, Singapore

Contoured Structures: GTV Preop, CTV BOOST, PTV BOOST, CTV ENI, PTV ENI, SM BOWEL, SMA, SMA+1cm, CA, CA+1cm, PV, PV+1cm, Aorta, AortaExpansion, LG BOWEL, 2 more structures...
MSRO49 BOOST: Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)-eContouring: Central NSCLC: RSNA 2019

MSRO49 BOOST: Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)-eContouring Dec. 4, 2019 4:30PM-5:30PM

Subba R. Digumarthy, MD
Stephen Chun, MD
Florence Keane, MD

Contour Homework:
Ventricle_L on slices 80, 90, 101
A_Coronary on slices 78, 84, 91
Aorta on slices 80, 83, 85
Bronchus on slices 70, 72, 74
ITV on slices 80, 81, 83

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
KK Lung SBRT Central NSCLCVignette 12022019
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/16/19 01:53 ASTRO
Viewed: 43 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 152
Dose: No
Category: RSNA 2019
Groups : _12022019_RSNA_2019
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US

Contoured Structures: Ventricle L, A Coronary, Aorta, Bronchus, GTV50, ITV, PTV, Skin, Heart, Lung L, Lung R, SpinalCord, Esophagus, Carina, Chestwall, 11 more structures...
Dr. Beatriz Amendola:: Lung 6428-1: Costa Rica 2017

Deberes, Por favor contornear los siguientes volúmenes:
GTV Norm R Lung on slices 193, 196, 200, 202, 204

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 02/08/17 23:14 Marco Amendola
Viewed: 21 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 292
Dose: No
Category: Costa Rica
Groups : 03172017_CostaRica
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US
Dr. Beatriz Amendola:: Lung 11171111: Costa Rica 2017

Deberes, Por favor contornear los siguientes volúmenes:
GTV Lt Scv on slices 36, 39
CTV Lt Scv on slices 36, 39
GTV on slices 39, 57, 68, 73

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 02/07/17 21:52 Marco Amendola
Viewed: 16 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 160
Dose: No
Category: Costa Rica
Groups : 03172017_CostaRica
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US
Dr. Beatriz E. Amendola, MD, FACR, FASTRO, FACRO:: Lung: Colombia 2016

Deberes, Por favor contornear los siguientes volúmenes:
CTV LT SCV on slices 130, 133, 135, 137, 140
GTV LT SCV on slices 133, 135, 137, 140
GTV on slices 141, 147, 152, 161, 168, 173
CTV MED on slices 147, 152, 161, 168, 173, 180, 182, 184, 185
ESOFAGO on slices 180, 182, 184, 185

Contours Disabled: All
Contours Enabled: None

Resource Files:
Case Vignette
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/25/16 22:53 Marco Amendola
Viewed: 65 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 310
Dose: No
Category: _IES: Archive
Groups : 11172016_Colombia
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US
Dr. Tracey Schefter:: GI case borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Webinar Nov. 2016

Lead by Dr. Tracey Schefter, this free Residents eContouring webinar will take place on November 17, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time

Contour Homework:
Slice 47: Contour the Celiac artery (CA), Right crus diaphragm, GTVpanc, duodenum
Slice 51: Contour the GTVpanc, Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA), Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV)

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/11/16 00:18 ASTRO
Viewed: 102 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 89
Dose: No
Category: ASTRO Webinar Archive
Groups : 10172016_GI_TraceySchefter
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US

Contoured Structures: CA, Rcrusdiaphragm, GTVp Panc, Duodenum, SMA, SMV, Aorta, aorta2, IVC, PV, PTV High, Liver, Stomach, BowelLarge, BowelSmall, 5 more structures...
Dr. Tracey Schefter:: GI case borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: ASTRO 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. eContouring for GI Cancers (Tracey Schefter, MD and Joseph Herman, MD, MS)

Contour Homework:
Slice 47: Contour the Celiac artery (CA), Right crus diaphragm, GTVpanc, duodenum
Slice 51: Contour the GTVpanc, Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA), Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV)

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 07/28/16 19:22 ASTRO
Viewed: 267 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 89
Dose: No
Groups : 09242016_02_GI_TS-JH
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US

Contoured Structures: Aorta, aorta2, SMA, IVC, CA, PV, SMV, Rcrusdiaphragm, Duodenum, GTVp Panc, PTV High, Liver, Stomach, BowelLarge, BowelSmall, 5 more structures...
Dr. Thomas Dilling:: Central Lesion Lung: Nov 11 webinar

2015 Residents eContouring for Lung Cancer webinar will take place on November 11, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. The webinar will be led by Thomas Dilling, MD. The resident eContouring webinars are supported by the ROI del Regato fund.

Contour Homework:
Contour GITV on “CT Planning”: Slices 37-45.
“CT Diagnostic” is a CT thorax with IV contrast (for differentiating the right perihilar vasculature)
Utilize the “50% AMP” to modify the contour to account for respiratory motion

Disabled Contours:
ALL Author contours
Enabled Contours:

Disabled Contours: sim iso, GITV, PTV, Varian_IGRT_Table, Foam, Carina, Lung_L, Lung_R, Lungs, ring1, ring2, ring3, avoid, ROI_1, PTV_edit
Enabled Reference Contours: ProxBronchialTree, Chestwall, Esophagus, SpinalCord

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/23/15 17:28 ASTRO
Viewed: 56 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 86
Dose: No
Category: ASTRO Webinar Archive
Groups : Nov 11 Lung Cancer webinar
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US