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ASTRO Head and Neck Webinar: Post Op Oral Tongue: Ken Hu

ASTRO Webinar: Head and Neck April 20th

Kenneth S. Hu, MD

Contour Homework:
CTV_1 on Slices 62, 70
CTV_2 on Slices 70, 81, 91, 96, 62
CTV_3 on Slices 48, 54, 96, 91, 81, 70
Parotid_L on Slices 62, 70
Constrictor_SUP on Slices 62, 70
Constrictor_MID on Slices 81
Constrictor_INF on Slices 91
Larynx_SG on Slices 81, 91, 96
BrachialPlexus_L on Slices 91, 96
BrachialPlexus_R on Slices 91, 96

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All others

Resource Files:
Vignette: eContouring for HN Tongue Ken Hu
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 03/31/21 01:31 ASTRO
Viewed: 76 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 167
Dose: No
Category: Head and Neck - Ken Hu
Groups : 04202021 Head and Neck webinar Ken Hu
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US
Dr. Bhisham Chera: Head and Neck Cancer - Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0): ASTRO 2020

The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting

Contour Homework:
GTV_Node_BC on Slices 78, 90
CTV_HR_BC on Slices 78, 90
CTV_IR_BC on Slices 55, 66, 78, 88
CTV_SR_BC on Slices 55, 66, 78, 90

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0) Bhisham Chera
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0) Bhisham Chera
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 01/23/21 08:19 ASTRO
Viewed: 63 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 143
Dose: No
Category: Head and Neck
Groups : VL 2020 eContouring for HN
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Bhisham Chera: Head and Neck Cancer - Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0): ASTRO 2020

The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting

Contour Homework:
Primary GTV_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52
CTV_HR_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52
CTV_SR_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52, 80

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0) Bhisham Chera
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0) Bhisham Chera
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 01/23/21 08:18 ASTRO
Viewed: 47 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 148
Dose: No
Category: Head and Neck
Groups : VL 2020 eContouring for HN
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Bhisham Chera: Head and Neck Cancer - Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0): Webinar Nov 18, 2020

The ASTRO Head and Neck Webinar will be held November18, 2020

Contour Homework:
GTV_Node_BC on Slices 78, 90
CTV_HR_BC on Slices 78, 90
CTV_IR_BC on Slices 55, 66, 78, 88
CTV_SR_BC on Slices 55, 66, 78, 90

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0) Bhisham Chera
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0) Bhisham Chera
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 11/06/20 10:09 ASTRO
Viewed: 46 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 143
Dose: No
Category: HN Cancer - Bhisham Chera
Groups : 20201118 HN Webinar BC
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Bhisham Chera: Head and Neck Cancer - Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0): Webinar Nov 18, 2020

The ASTRO Head and Neck Webinar will be held November18, 2020

Contour Homework:
Primary GTV_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52
CTV_HR_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52
CTV_SR_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52, 80

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0) Bhisham Chera
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0) Bhisham Chera
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 11/06/20 10:07 ASTRO
Viewed: 19 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 148
Dose: No
Category: HN Cancer - Bhisham Chera
Groups : 20201118 HN Webinar BC
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Bhisham Chera: Head and Neck Cancer - Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0): ASTRO 2020

The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting

Contour Homework:
Primary GTV_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52
CTV_HR_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52
CTV_SR_BC on Slices 49, 50, 51, 52, 80

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0) Bhisham Chera
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0) Bhisham Chera
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 08/20/20 23:23 ASTRO
Viewed: 204 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 148
Dose: No
Groups : 20201025_ASTRO_HN
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Bhisham Chera: Head and Neck Cancer - Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0): ASTRO 2020

The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting

Contour Homework:
GTV_Node_BC on Slices 78, 90
CTV_HR_BC on Slices 78, 90
CTV_IR_BC on Slices 55, 66, 78, 88
CTV_SR_BC on Slices 55, 66, 78, 90

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck (Tx N2 M0) Bhisham Chera
2020 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus (T4 N0 M0) Bhisham Chera
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 08/20/20 23:23 ASTRO
Viewed: 127 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 143
Dose: No
Groups : 20201025_ASTRO_HN
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Sue Yom: Tonsil: ASTRO 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Session I – Oropharynx - eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer I Dr. Sue Yom, Dr. Tabassum Kennedy, Dr. Andrew Bayley

Contour Homework:
CTV_High on slices 63, 66, 72, 76
CTV_Mid on slices 60, 73
CTV_Low on slices 53, 63, 79, 90

Enabled Contours for reference: GTVp and GTVn
Disabled Contours: All others

Resource Files:
SY Tonsil ASTRO 2018 Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:48 ASTRO
Viewed: 271 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 183
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 01 Head and Neck I SY TK AB
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US
Dr. Sue Yom: Oral Tongue: ASTRO 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session II – Non-oropharynx - eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer II Dr. Sue Yom, Dr. Tabassum Kennedy, Dr. Andrew Bayley

Contour Homework:
CTV_High on slices 54, 58
CTV_Med on slices 54, 58, 59, 65, 69, 90
CTV_Low on slices 55, 68, 90

Enabled Contours for reference: GTV_Preop
Disabled Contours: All others

Resource Files:
SY Oral Tongue ASTRO 2018 Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:47 ASTRO
Viewed: 222 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 177
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 02 Head and Neck II SY TK AB
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Frankfurt
Dr. Sue Yom: Skin: ASTRO 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session II – Non-oropharynx - eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer II Dr. Sue Yom, Dr. Tabassum Kennedy, Dr. Andrew Bayley

Contour Homework:
CTV_High01 on slices 32, 39, 48, 50
CTV_High02 on slices 50, 56
CTV_Med on slices 63, 70
CTV_Low on slices 26, 91

Enabled Contours for reference: GTV_Preop
Disabled Contours: All others

Resource Files:
SY Skin ASTRO 2018 Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:47 ASTRO
Viewed: 94 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 124
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 02 Head and Neck II SY TK AB
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US
Case 04:: T3N2c supraglottic sqcca: Course 2 - ASTRO VL 2017
Uploaded: 01/06/18 16:22 ASTRO
Viewed: 25 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 165
Dose: No
Category: Head and Neck
Groups : VL 2017 eContouring for Head and Neck Cancer
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Sanpalo, Mumbai
Case 01:: T3N2c supraglottic sqcca: Course 2 - ASTRO 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017, 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. eContouring for Head and Neck Course II: Matthew Stenmark, MD, Sue Yom, MD, Suresh Mukherji, MD, MBA, FACR

The GTVs have been defined for you based on physical examination and the pre-treatment imaging (CT, PET-CT, and MR).

Assuming a 35 fraction treatment regimen with concurrent platinum-based chemotherapy, please use the treatment planning CT to define:

Clinical target volumes, selecting from the following dose levels. You may use as many or as few as you see appropriate.
CTV_70 Gy (2.0 Gy/fx)
CTV_63 Gy (1.8 Gy/fx)
CTV_59.5 Gy (1.7 Gy/fx)
CTV_56 Gy (1.6 Gy/fx)

Organs at risk, including the pharyngeal constrictor muscles and the brachial plexus
Contour as many or as few as you see appropriate on slices: 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116
(homework not engaged in UI)

Enabled Reference Contours: GTVs
Disabled Contours: All Except for GTVs

Resource Files:
T3N2c supraglottic sqcca Vignette
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 07/07/17 20:58 ASTRO
Viewed: 216 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 165
Dose: No
Groups : _09242017_04_HeadandNeckIIAESMSYMS
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US