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VL 2025 - Celiac plexus radiosurgery Case 1

eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery Webinar December 4, Time: 10 am Eastern Time/5 pm in Israel

Yaacov Lawrence MA, MBBS, MRCP

Duodenum on Slices 149, 159, 164
Celiac on Slices 104, 130, 148
GTV (i.e. the pancreatic tumor) on Slices 116, 130
Celiac_exp on Slices 104, 130, 148
Celiac_2cm on Slices 104, 130, 148

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Educational Materials for celiac ASTRO seminar
- Celiac Plexus Webinar Vignette case 1 and 2
- ASTRO EduCase Presentation
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 01/10/25 09:43 ASTRO
Viewed: 3 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 257
Dose: No
Category: Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery
Groups : VL 2025 eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery
Image Modalities: CT
Doctor's Name: Dr. Yaacov Lawrence
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore

Contoured Structures: Duodenum, Celliac, GTV, Celliac exp, Celliac 2cm
VL 2025 - Celiac plexus radiosurgery Case 2

eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery Webinar December 4, Time: 10 am Eastern Time/5 pm in Israel

Yaacov Lawrence MA, MBBS, MRCP

1. Contour the Celiac  plexus  named “Celiac”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
2. Contour the “Celiac_exp”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 (Use the Celiac structure you created with a 0.5cm (5mm) uniform expansion using the expansion tool)
3. Contour the Bowel  named “Bowel”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 
4. Contour the “Bowel+0.5cm”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 (Use the Bowel structure you created with a 0.5cm (5mm) uniform expansion using the expansion tool)
5. Contour the “Bowel+1cm”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 (Use the “Bowel”  structure you created with a 1cm (10mm) uniform expansion using the expansion tool)
6. Contour the “PTV 25” (create with a Boolean operator, Celiac DIFFERENCE bowel+1cm to create PTV 25)
7. Contour the “PTV 15” (create with a Boolean operator, “Celiac_exp” INTERSECTION (Operator) “Bowel+0.5cm”  to create “PTV 15”)

Disabled Contours: All contours
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Educational Materials for celiac ASTRO seminar
- Celiac Plexus Webinar Vignette case 1 and 2
- ASTRO EduCase Presentation
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Contour Homework:
Celliac on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Celliac_exp on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Bowel on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Bowel+0.5cm on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Bowel+1cm on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
PTV 25 on Slices 88

Uploaded: 01/10/25 09:39 ASTRO
Viewed: 0 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 205
Dose: No
Category: Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery
Groups : VL 2025 eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery
Image Modalities: CT
Doctor's Name: Dr. Yaacov Lawrence
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore
Celiac plexus radiosurgery Case 1

eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery Webinar December 4, Time: 10 am Eastern Time/5 pm in Israel

Yaacov Lawrence MA, MBBS, MRCP

Duodenum on Slices 149, 159, 164
Celiac on Slices 104, 130, 148
GTV (i.e. the pancreatic tumor) on Slices 116, 130
Celiac_exp on Slices 104, 130, 148
Celiac_2cm on Slices 104, 130, 148

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Educational Materials for celiac ASTRO seminar
- Celiac Plexus Webinar Vignette case 1 and 2
- ASTRO EduCase Presentation
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/22/24 14:25 ASTRO
Viewed: 40 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 257
Dose: Yes
Doctor's Name: Dr. Yaacov Lawrence
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore

Contoured Structures: Duodenum, Celliac, GTV, Celliac exp, Celliac 2cm
Celiac plexus radiosurgery Case 2

eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery Webinar December 4, Time: 10 am Eastern Time/5 pm in Israel

Yaacov Lawrence MA, MBBS, MRCP

1. Contour the Celiac  plexus  named “Celiac”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
2. Contour the “Celiac_exp”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 (Use the Celiac structure you created with a 0.5cm (5mm) uniform expansion using the expansion tool)
3. Contour the Bowel  named “Bowel”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 
4. Contour the “Bowel+0.5cm”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 (Use the Bowel structure you created with a 0.5cm (5mm) uniform expansion using the expansion tool)
5. Contour the “Bowel+1cm”  on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128 (Use the “Bowel”  structure you created with a 1cm (10mm) uniform expansion using the expansion tool)
6. Contour the “PTV 25” (create with a Boolean operator, Celiac DIFFERENCE bowel+1cm to create PTV 25)
7. Contour the “PTV 15” (create with a Boolean operator, “Celiac_exp” INTERSECTION (Operator) “Bowel+0.5cm”  to create “PTV 15”)

Disabled Contours: All contours
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Educational Materials for celiac ASTRO seminar
- Celiac Plexus Webinar Vignette case 1 and 2
- ASTRO EduCase Presentation
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Contour Homework:
Celliac on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Celliac_exp on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Bowel on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Bowel+0.5cm on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
Bowel+1cm on Slices 88, 113, 118, 128
PTV 25 on Slices 88

Uploaded: 10/22/24 13:32 ASTRO
Viewed: 36 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 205
Dose: Yes
Doctor's Name: Dr. Yaacov Lawrence
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore
Dr. Alison Tree:: Prostate boost case 1

2023 Econtouring For Prostate - Focal Boost Radiotherapy - Webinar, October 19, 2023 At 2 P.M. Eastern Time

Dr. Alison Tree consultant clinical oncologist at The Royal Marsden

Prostate  - please contour every 5th slice at least, contouring slices 148, 143, 138, 133, 128, 123, 118, 113
Seminal vesicles – please contour all slices
Boost volume – please contour the boost on every slice you consider relevant
Rectum– please contour on slices 148, 143, 138, 133, 128, 123, 118, 113
Urethra – every slice where you contoured the prostate

The following are not required, but you may contour if you wish (any slices):
Femoral heads

Learning objectives for both cases:
1) Accurately and precisely delineate the prostate and seminal vesicles, in line with internationally accepted standard practice
2) Correctly interpret diagnostic imaging and transfer the boost volume faithfully to the planning scan
3) Identify and accurately contour the urethra and rectum.

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Vignette
- P1 Diagnostic MR
- P1 Diffusion MR
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 09/15/23 06:57 ASTRO
Viewed: 105 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 250
Dose: No
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore
Dr. Alison Tree:: Prostate boost case 2

2023 Econtouring For Prostate - Focal Boost Radiotherapy - Webinar, October 19, 2023 At 2 P.M. Eastern Time

Dr. Alison Tree consultant clinical oncologist at The Royal Marsden

Prostate  - please contour every 5th slice at least, contouring slices 140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110
Seminal vesicles – please contour all slices
Boost volume – please contour the boost on every slice you consider relevant
Urethra – every slice where you contoured the prostate

The following are not required, but you may contour if you wish (any slices):
Femoral heads

Learning objectives for both cases:
1) Accurately and precisely delineate the prostate and seminal vesicles, in line with internationally accepted standard practice
2) Correctly interpret diagnostic imaging and transfer the boost volume faithfully to the planning scan
3) Identify and accurately contour the urethra and rectum.

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Vignette
- P1 Diagnostic MR
- P1 Diffusion MR
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 09/15/23 06:46 ASTRO
Viewed: 36 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 250
Dose: No
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore
eContouring for Liver Cancer: Liver - Case 02 May, 2023

eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023

Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Liver on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Stomach on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Spleen on Slices 69
Aorta on Slices 69
GTVm1 on Slices 80, 94
GTVm2 on Slices 94, 102
Gallbladder on Slices 94
LargeBowel on Slices 102, 116
Duodenum on Slices 102, 116
CommonBileDuct on Slices 94, 102
SmallBowel on Slices 116

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Liver Case Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/17/23 09:10 ASTRO
Viewed: 6 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 194
Dose: No
Category: eContouring for Liver Cancer - May, 2023
Groups : eContouring for Liver Cancer - May, 2023
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
eContouring for Liver Cancer: Liver - Case 01 May, 2023

eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023

Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Liver on Slices 71
Gallbladder on Slices 71
CommonBileDuct on Slices 71
V_Portal_R on Slices 56
V_Portal_L on Slices 56
V_VenaCava_I on Slices 56, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
A_Aorta on Slices 56
Stomach on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
SmallBowel on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Duodenum on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
LargeBowel on Slices 80, 81, 83, 84, 85
Kidney_R on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Kidney_L on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
GTVp on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 60, 61, 62, 63
GTVpv on Slices 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Liver Case Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/17/23 09:08 ASTRO
Viewed: 3 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 175
Dose: No
Category: eContouring for Liver Cancer - May, 2023
Groups : eContouring for Liver Cancer - May, 2023
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Liver - Case 01

eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023

Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Liver on Slices 71
Gallbladder on Slices 71
CommonBileDuct on Slices 71
V_Portal_R on Slices 56
V_Portal_L on Slices 56
V_VenaCava_I on Slices 56, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
A_Aorta on Slices 56
Stomach on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
SmallBowel on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Duodenum on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
LargeBowel on Slices 80, 81, 83, 84, 85
Kidney_R on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Kidney_L on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
GTVp on Slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 60, 61, 62, 63
GTVpv on Slices 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Liver Case Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 03/30/23 13:09 ASTRO
Viewed: 143 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 175
Dose: No
Groups : 2023 04 eContouring for Liver Cancer
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Liver - Case 2

eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023

Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Liver on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Stomach on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116
Spleen on Slices 69
Aorta on Slices 69
GTVm1 on Slices 80, 94
GTVm2 on Slices 94, 102
Gallbladder on Slices 94
LargeBowel on Slices 102, 116
Duodenum on Slices 102, 116
CommonBileDuct on Slices 94, 102
SmallBowel on Slices 116

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Liver Case Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 03/30/23 13:06 ASTRO
Viewed: 72 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 194
Dose: No
Category: Annual Refresher Archive
Groups : 2023 04 eContouring for Liver Cancer
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Dr. Alexandra Taylor: Dr. Alexandra Taylor: eContouring for Gynecologic Cancer ASTRO 21: Cervical Cancer Brachy

Tuesday, October 26 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. eContouring for Gynecologic Cancer

Dr. Alexandra Taylor
Dr. Matthew Harkenrider

GTV-res on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127
HR-CTV on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127
IR-CTV on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127
Ureter_R on Slices 95, 105, 111
Ureter_L on Slices 95, 105, 111
Bladder _MR on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Gynecologic MH AT Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 05/19/22 12:17 ASTRO
Viewed: 20 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 252
Dose: No
Category: VL_2022_GYN Cancer webinar
Groups : VL_2022_GYN Cancer webinar
Image Modalities: MR, CT, pre_EBRT_MRI
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US, London, Singapore
Dr. Alexandra Taylor: Dr. Alexandra Taylor: eContouring for Gynecologic Cancer ASTRO 21: Cervical Cancer Brachy

Tuesday, October 26 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. eContouring for Gynecologic Cancer

Dr. Alexandra Taylor
Dr. Matthew Harkenrider

GTV-res on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127
HR-CTV on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127
IR-CTV on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127
Ureter_R on Slices 95, 105, 111
Ureter_L on Slices 95, 105, 111
Bladder _MR on Slices 95, 105, 111, 121, 127

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Gynecologic MH AT Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 09/03/21 11:13 ASTRO
Viewed: 102 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 252
Dose: No
Groups : 20211026_ASTRO_Gynecologic
Image Modalities: MR, CT, pre_EBRT_MRI
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US, London, Singapore
Dr. Hamstra Prostate case #2 (2016-12__Studies): ASTRO 2020

The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting

Daniel A Hamstra, MD, PhD
Stanley Liauw, MD

Contour Homework:
CTV6660 cGy - Whole Prostate (Note that homework icons are not present since we want you to contour the complete structure and require that you decide on the most inferior, superior, and slices in between to contour on)

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: MVision AI structure set

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case01 Vignette (Liauw)
2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case02 Vignette (Hamstra)
2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case03 Vignette (Hamstra)
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 01/23/21 08:21 ASTRO
Viewed: 29 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 160
Dose: No
Category: Prostate
Groups : VL 2020 eContouring for Prostate
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Hamstra Prostate case #2 (2016-12__Studies): ASTRO 2020

The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting

Daniel A Hamstra, MD, PhD
Stanley Liauw, MD

Contour Homework:
CTV6660 cGy - Whole Prostate (Note that homework icons are not present since we want you to contour the complete structure and require that you decide on the most inferior, superior, and slices in between to contour on)

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: MVision AI structure set

Resource Files:
2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case01 Vignette (Liauw)
2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case02 Vignette (Hamstra)
2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case03 Vignette (Hamstra)
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 08/20/20 23:22 ASTRO
Viewed: 116 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 160
Dose: No
Groups : 20201025_ASTRO_Prostate
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US, Mumbai, Singapore
Dr. Akila Viswanathan: EBRT Gyn: ASTRO 2019 vl
Uploaded: 02/13/20 10:49 ASTRO
Viewed: 19 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 177
Dose: No
Category: GYN
Groups : VL 2019 eContouring for GYN
Image Modalities: CT, MR, PT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Akila Viswanathan: EBRT Gyn: ASTRO 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM eContouring with the Experts – Gynecologic Cancer Akila Viswanathan and Christine Fisher

Contour Homework:
CTV_CerPelLN_45 on slices 56, 98, 113, 120
Bowel on slices 56, 84, 98, 113, 120
Rectum on slices 113, 120
Bladder on slices 120, 124

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
AV ASTRO 2019 EBRT Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 06/29/19 09:00 ASTRO
Viewed: 75 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 177
Dose: No
Groups : 09162019 04 eContouring with the Experts – Gynecologic Cancer
Image Modalities: CT, MR, PT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Stanley Liauw: Prostate intact: Webinar

eContouring for Prostate Cancer with Dr. Liauw and Dr. Hamstra June 18th, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST

Rectum on slices 80, 84, 88, 92, 95, 99
Bladder on slices 80, 82, 84, 86
Seminal Vesicles on slices 77, 78, 79, 80, 82
Prostate on slices 82, 84, 88, 92, 94
Penile bulb on slices 98, 100, 102, 104

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
SL Prostate intact 2018 Vignette
Urology TBarrett Combined
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/17/19 11:51 ASTRO
Viewed: 52 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 151
Dose: No
Category: ASTRO Webinar Archive
Groups : _06182019_ProstateWebinar
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US
Dr. Daniel Hamstra: Prostate p2

eContouring for Prostate Cancer with Dr. Liauw and Dr. Hamstra June 18th, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST

Contour Homework:
Prostate_bed on slices 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
Bulb on slices 95, 97, 100
Rectum on slices 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95
LN on slices 60, 62, 64, 66, 68

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
DH Prostate case2 2018 Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/17/19 11:49 ASTRO
Viewed: 20 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 133
Dose: No
Category: ASTRO Webinar Archive
Groups : _06182019_ProstateWebinar
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US
Dr. Daniel Hamstra: Prostate p2: ASTRO 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. eContouring for Prostate Cancer Dr. Dan Hamstra and Dr. Stanley Liauw

Contour Homework:
Prostate_bed on slices 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Bulb on slices 95, 97, 98, 99, 100
Rectum on slices 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
LN on slices 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
DH Prostate case2 2018 Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:47 ASTRO
Viewed: 166 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 133
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 03 Prostate SL DH
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US
Dr. Stanley Liauw: Prostate intact: ASTRO 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. eContouring for Prostate Cancer Dr. Dan Hamstra and Dr. Stanley Liauw

Rectum on slices 80, 84, 88, 92, 95, 99
Bladder on slices 80, 82, 84, 86
Seminal Vesicles on slices 77, 78, 79, 80, 82
Prostate on slices 82, 84, 88, 92, 94
Penile bulb on slices 98, 100, 102, 104

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
SL Prostate intact 2018 Vignette
Urology TBarrett Combined
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:47 ASTRO
Viewed: 83 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 151
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 03 Prostate SL DH
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US
Dr. Manisha Palta: GE junction: ASTRO 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. eContouring for Gastrointestinal Cancer Dr. Manisha Palta and Dr. Salma Jabbour

Contour Homework:
GTV on slices 36, 46
CTV on slices 36, 46, 61
Celiac axis on slices 61

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
MP GI Cancers Vignettes
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:47 ASTRO
Viewed: 110 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 93
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 04 Gastrointestinal MP SJ
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US

Contoured Structures: BODY, GTV, CTV, Celiac axis, Carina, Bowel, Cord, Esophagus, Heart, Liver, Lt Kidney, Lungs, PTV45, Rt Kidney, Stomach, 1 more structures...
Dr. Christine Fisher:: Postop Uterine: ASTRO 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. eContouring for Gynecological Cancer Dr. Akila Viswanathan and Dr. Christine Fisher

Contour Homework:
Pelvic Nodes on slices 93, 110, 126
PTV on slices 93, 110, 126, 136, 142
ITV full on slices 131, 136, 142
ITV Vag empty on slices 131, 136, 142

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
CF ASTRO 2018 Postop Uterine Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:46 ASTRO
Viewed: 111 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 187
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 06 Gynecological AV CF
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Akila Viswanathan: EBRT Gyn: ASTRO 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. eContouring for Gynecological Cancer Dr. Akila Viswanathan and Dr. Christine Fisher

Contour Homework:
CTV_CerPelLN_45 on slices 56, 98, 113, 120
Bowel on slices 56, 84, 98, 113, 120
Rectum on slices 113, 120
Bladder on slices 120, 124

Enabled Contours for reference: None
Disabled Contours: All

Resource Files:
AV ASTRO 2018 EBRT Vignette
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 10/01/18 17:46 ASTRO
Viewed: 85 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 177
Dose: No
Groups : 10212018 06 Gynecological AV CF
Image Modalities: CT, MR, PT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Lorraine Portelance: GYN: ASTRO Webinar

Thursday June 28, 2018 at 5:00pm EST Gynecologic with Dr. Lorraine Portelance ASTRO Webinar

Contour Homework:
GTVp on slices 165, 177, 194
GTVn on slices 82, 100, 105, 138, 159, 164
CTV_Nodes on slices 108, 146, 158

Disabled Contours: All GTV, CTV, and PTV contours
Enabled Contours: OARs

Resource Files:
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
GYN Vignette.pdf
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 06/14/18 17:07 ASTRO
Viewed: 44 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 283
Dose: No
Category: ASTRO Webinar Archive
Groups : _06282018_GYN_LorrainePortelance
Image Modalities: CT, MR, PT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Stanley Liauw: Prostate intact: RSNA 2017

MSRO39 BOOST: Genitourinary eContouring Nov 28, 2017 4:45PM-6:00PM
Brian J. Davis, MD, PhD, Tristan Barrett, MBBS, Stanley L. Liauw, MD

Rectum on slices 80, 84, 88, 92, 95, 99
Bladder on slices 80, 82, 84, 86
Seminal Vesicles on slices 77, 78, 79, 80, 82
Prostate on slices 82, 84, 88, 92, 94
Penile bulb on slices 98, 100, 102, 104

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
SL Prostate Vignette
Urology TBarrett Combined
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 11/01/17 17:49 ASTRO
Viewed: 74 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 151
Dose: No
Category: RSNA Annual Archive
Groups : _11262017_RSNA
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US
Dr. Beatriz Amendola:: Cervix 662314: Costa Rica 2017

Deberes, Por favor contornear los siguientes volúmenes:
GTV VC on slices 67, 71, 75, 77

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 02/08/17 22:33 Marco Amendola
Viewed: 19 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 120
Dose: No
Category: Costa Rica
Groups : 03172017_CostaRica
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Beatriz Amendola:: Pelvis 661213: Costa Rica 2017

Deberes, Por favor contornear los siguientes volúmenes:
CTV_LN on slices 80, 90, 100, 109, 115, 118
CTV_VC on slices 109, 115, 118, 122, 126, 129

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 02/07/17 21:55 Marco Amendola
Viewed: 30 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 159
Dose: No
Category: Costa Rica
Groups : 03172017_CostaRica
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US
Dr. Akila Viswanathan:: GYN EBRT (ka): May GYN Webinar

The 2015 eContouring for Gynecological Cancer Webinar will take place on Thursday, May 21, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time and will be led by Akila Viswanathan, MD, MPH.

Contour Homework:
Please contour the following on the scan provided (in which the patient has a full bladder)
Pelvic nodes: Slices 126, 112, 102, 82
PTV: Slices 126, 112, 102, 82
ITV full (contour vaginal CTV on this full bladder scan): Slices 129, 133, 139

Disabled Contours: Pelvic nodes, PTV, ITV full, ITV Vag empty
Enabled Reference Contours: ITV Vag Empty, Rectum, sigmoid, R Fem Head, L Fem Head, Bowel, Bladder,
Cauda Equina

Resource Files:
GYN EBRT Vignette.pdf
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 05/06/15 22:32 ASTRO
Viewed: 343 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 187
Dose: No
Category: ASTRO Webinar Archive
Groups : May 21 Gynecological Cancer
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Gynecological
Server locations: US