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Workshop:ASTRO E-contouring session: Hepatobiliary CasesFaculty:Jennifer Wo, MDHomework:GTV_mass on Slices 64, 67, 77ITV on Slices 64, 67, 77Liver on Slices 64, 67, 77, 85, 95, Duodenum on Slices 85, 95, 77Bowel_Large on Slices 77, 85, 95, 105Bowel_Small on Slices 77, 85, 95, 105Stomach on Slices 85, 64, 77Chest Wall on Slices 64, 77, 85, 95Common Bile Duct on Slices 67, 77Kidney_L on Slices 85, 105Kidney_R on Slices 77, 85, 95, 105SpinalCord on Slices 64, 67, 77, 85, 95, 105Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - Vignette- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit - EduCase User Guide
Workshop:ASTRO E-contouring session: Hepatobiliary CasesFaculty:Jennifer Wo, MDHomework:GTV on Slices 73, 79, 62, 86ITV on Slices 62, 73, 79, 86Bowel_Large on Slices 86, 94, 102, 110, 119, 86Bowel_Small on Slices 102, 110, 119Duodenum on Slices 94, 102, 110, 119Kidney_L on Slices 94, 102, 119Kidney_R on Slices 79, 86, 94, 102, 110, 119Liver on Slices 62, 73, 79, 86, 102, 110, 119, 94Stomach on Slices 62, 73, 79, 86, 94, 102, 110, 119Chest Wall on Slices 62, 73, 79, 86Common Bile Duct on Slices 86, 94Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - Vignette- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit - EduCase User Guide
Workshop:eContouring for Celiac Plexus Radiosurgery Webinar December 4, Time: 10 am Eastern Time/5 pm in IsraelFaculty:Yaacov Lawrence MA, MBBS, MRCPHomework:Duodenum on Slices 149, 159, 164Celiac on Slices 104, 130, 148GTV (i.e. the pancreatic tumor) on Slices 116, 130Celiac_exp on Slices 104, 130, 148Celiac_2cm on Slices 104, 130, 148Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - Educational Materials for celiac ASTRO seminar - Celiac Plexus Webinar Vignette case 1 and 2 - ASTRO EduCase Presentation- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit - EduCase User Guide
Workshop:SBRT for primary renal cell carcinoma - CCV Resident webinar June 27, 2023Faculty:Shankar Siva and Nick HardcastleHomework: (Use the "Gated MIP" image set for contouring) IGTV_2600 on Slices 82, 85, 97 Bowel_Small on Slices 82, 85, 97 Bowel_Small_PRV on Slices 82, 85, 97 (hint: use expansion tool) Bowel_Large on Slices 82, 85, 97 Bowel_Large_PRV on Slices 82, 85, 97 (hint: use expansion tool)Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - SBRT Renal NH Vignette- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit - EduCase User Guide
Workshop:eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023Faculty:Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer CentreHomework:Liver on Slices 53, 60, 76, 85Bowel_Large on Slices 76, 85Bowel_Small on Slices 85Pancreas on Slices 85Spleen on Slices 85Duodenum on Slices 76, 85Bile Duct_Common on Slices 76, 85V_Portal on Slices 85V_IVC on Slices 53, 60, 59, 76, 85A_Aorta on Slices 53, 60, 76, 85Esophagus on Slices 60Stomach on Slices 53, 76V_Hepatic_R on Slices 59V_Hepatic_Middle on Slices 59V_Hepatic_L on Slices 59Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - Liver Case Vignette- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit - EduCase User Guide
Workshop:eContouring for Liver Cancer Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Friday March 28th, 2023Faculty:Jelena Lukovic, MPH, FRCPC, MD Clinician Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer CentreHomework:Liver on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116Stomach on Slices 69, 94, 102, 116Spleen on Slices 69Aorta on Slices 69GTVm1 on Slices 80, 94GTVm2 on Slices 94, 102Gallbladder on Slices 94LargeBowel on Slices 102, 116Duodenum on Slices 102, 116CommonBileDuct on Slices 94, 102SmallBowel on Slices 116Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - Liver Case Vignette- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit - EduCase User Guide
Workshop:Monday, October 25 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. eContouring for Oligometastatic Cancer Faculty:Dr. David PalmaDr. Fiona McDonaldContour Homework:STOMACH on Slices 49, 54, 59BOWEL on Slices 74, 79, 84SPLEEN on Slices 59PANCREAS on Slices 70IGTV on Slices 60, 65, 70, 75, 80Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:- Contouring Case_Adrenal.pdf- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit- EduCase User Guide- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)
Workshop:eContouring for Lymphoma December 7th, 2021Faculty:Dr. Rahul ParikhDr. Leslie BallasHomework:ITV_Stomach on Slices 45, 50, 55, 63 IS-CTV_3060 on Slices 45, 50, 55, 63 Heart on Slices 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Thyroid on Slices 45, 50, 55 Kidney_R on Slices 60, 64, 66Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files: - Lymphoma Webinar Vignette 12072021.pdf- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit- EduCase User Guide- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)
The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting Faculty:Daniel A Hamstra, MD, PhDStanley Liauw, MDContour Homework:GTV on Slices 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 144Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Reference Contours: MVision AI structure setResource Files:2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case01 Vignette (Liauw)2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case02 Vignette (Hamstra)2020 eContouring for Prostate Cancer case03 Vignette (Hamstra)EduCase Contouring Homework Video TutorialData and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.
The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting Faculty:Steven J. Chmura, MD, PhDContour Homework:GTV_central on Slices 37, 38, 39 GTV_lateral on Slices 43, 44 GTV_medial on Slices 54, 55, 56 Duodenum on Slices 54, 55, 56 Stomach on Slices 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 54, 55, 56 Pancreas on Slices 54, 55, 56 BileDuct on Slices 54, 55, 56 Gallbladder on Slices 54, 55, 56 Esophagus on Slices 37, 38, 39, 43, 44Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Reference Contours: MVision AI structure setResource Files: 2020 eContouring for Oligometastatic Cancer – Liver 2 Vignette EduCase Contouring Homework Video TutorialData and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.
The 2020 ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held October 25-28 as an immersive and interactive virtual meeting Faculty:Steven J. Chmura, MD, PhDContour Homework:GTV_Liver on Slices 38, 39, 40, 41, 42Stomach on Slices 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55Duodenum on Slices 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57Bile Duct on Slices 46, 47Pancreas on Slices 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57Disabled Contours: AllEnabled Reference Contours: MVision AI structure setResource Files:2020 eContouring for Oligometastatic Cancer – Liver 1 VignetteEduCase Contouring Homework Video TutorialData and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by ASTRO or, as specified by ASTRO, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.
MSRO49 BOOST: eContouring (Spinal SBRT) Nov. 28, 2018 4:30PM - 5:30PM Dr. Kristin Redmond, Dr. Simon Lo, and Dr. William T. YuhHomework:CTV T10-T12 on slices 84, 96, 100PTV T10_T12 on slices 84, 96, 100Spinal cord on slices 84, 96, 100Cord avoidance on slices 84, 96, 100Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:KR SBRT for post operative spine metastasis VignetteDemo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submitEduCase User Guide
Monday, October 22, 2018, 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. eContouring for CNS/SBRT Spine Dr. Kristin Redmond and Dr. Simon LoHomework:CTV T10-T12 on slices 84, 96, 100PTV T10_T12 on slices 84, 96, 100Spinal cord on slices 84, 96, 100Cord avoidance on slices 84, 96, 100Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:KR SBRT for post operative spine metastasis VignetteDemo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submitEduCase User Guide
Thursday June 28, 2018 at 5:00pm EST Gynecologic with Dr. Lorraine Portelance ASTRO WebinarContour Homework:GTVp on slices 165, 177, 194GTVn on slices 82, 100, 105, 138, 159, 164CTV_Nodes on slices 108, 146, 158Disabled Contours: All GTV, CTV, and PTV contoursEnabled Contours: OARsResource Files:Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submitGYN Vignette.pdfEduCase User Guide
Sunday, September 24, 2017 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m eContouring for Pediatrics with Karen Marcus, MD and Spinal Cancer with Kristin Redmond, MD and Simon Lo, MDHomework:CTV T10-T12 on slices 84, 96, 100 PTV T10_T12 on slices 84, 96, 100 Sinal cord on slices 84, 96, 100 Cord avoidance on slices 84, 96, 100Disabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:Case 1 and 2: CNS Spinal Vignette_KR.pdfEduCase User Guide
Lead by Dr. Tracey Schefter, this free Residents eContouring webinar will take place on November 17, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern timeContour Homework:Slice 47: Contour the Celiac artery (CA), Right crus diaphragm, GTVpanc, duodenumSlice 51: Contour the GTVpanc, Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA), Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV)Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TS_c1_Gastrointestinal_Vignette_2016EduCase User Guide
Saturday, September 24, 2016 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. eContouring for GI Cancers (Tracey Schefter, MD and Joseph Herman, MD, MS)Contour Homework:Slice 47: Contour the Celiac artery (CA), Right crus diaphragm, GTVpanc, duodenumSlice 51: Contour the GTVpanc, Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA), Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV)Disabled Contours: All contours disabledEnabled Contours: NoneResource Files:TS_c1_Gastrointestinal_Vignette_2016EduCase User Guide
Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. GI (Karyn Goodman, MD and Corinne Winston, MD)Contour HomeworkSlice 100: Contour the GTV, liver, IVC, stomach, small bowel and bile duct Slice 95: Contour GTV, small bowel, stomach, liver, IVC, bile ductDisabled Contours: ALLEnabled Reference Contours: NoneResource Files:KG_c1_HepatocellularCarcinoma_Vignettes_2015.pdfEduCase User Guide